on 7:26 AM

Diets play an ever growing role in the lives of many many people from all walks of life. A recent study conducted in the USA, concluded that one third of all US residents have at one point in their lives dieted, or are in the midst of trying to lose weight. Whether its the lack of nutritional knowledge, laziness, or a combination of both, our world is growing, and I am not referring to the planet itself, just us that inhabit it.

The summer season is prime time diet season. Looking good for the summer is such an important requirement for so many people, that they will try anything from the South Beach Diet, to the ever popular, starvation approach in order to attain an acceptible figure.

Telling somebody that eating food is the first thing they need to do in order to loose weight usually results in them never asking your advice again. Well shame on them because what they do not know, is by eating healthy food, your metabolism initiates in order to break down that food into energy that the body needs to function. No food = no metabolism = fat!

Other little additions or in this case subtractions that you can make to your diet to help shed the weight include simply decreasing your portions, not eathing past a certain time of day, and not eathing foods that are not good for you.

Today?s fast paced lifestyle that we are caught up in does not afford us the time to always pick foods sensibly, leading to the purchase of high cal. low protein, cheaply prepared food items that do more arm than good. Taking the time to properly select what you plan to put into your own body and the bodies of your family if you shop for one, should be something that you take very seriously, as it has an impact on your health, and their health. Remember we all only get one crack at the can of life, making the most of it starts with being healthy so we can do just that, make the most of the time we have.

We are home to the very popular South Beach Diet as well as breaking news from The World of Health
