With summer comes more sun and with more sun comes an extra desire to be outdoors and with spending additional time outdoors comes ? you guessed it, sunburn.
We all know the major importance of using sunscreen these days. However, even the best of us find ourselves with moments of TOO MUCH SUN. In these cases here are a couple of the best, natural summer sun remedies:
1. Lemon juice - the lemon has an anti-inflammatory function when used both internally and outwardly. When used externally, lemon dilates blood vessels in the skin and the juice works as an astringent, drawing the skin together and relieving pain.
To best apply: use cotton balls and gently apply DILUTED lemon juice to the sunburned skin.
2. Aloe-Vera Juice - this plant member of the lily family has recently been getting a lot of press for its incredible properties, but meanwhile it has been a well- respected healer for thousands of years!
Most of us are familiar with the use of Aloe Gel, but the juice (which is taken from the inner leaf?s skin) is potent as well ? if not more so as it can be applied externally and taken internally (but should not be done so by people with gastrointestinal disorders). When used externally, however, Aloe cools and encourages the skin to restore.
To best apply: dip a sterile cloth in aloe juice, place on the burned area. You can also use a spray bottle to continually keep the burned area hydrated with the aloe juice.
To your energy and success, Heather
Energy~Nutrition Specialist Heather M. Dominick, The Energy Expert, is author of the information packed 'EnergyRICH Lifestyle' weekly ezine. If you're ready to jump- start your energy, make effective changes, and have more fun in your life, get your FREE subscription and more EnergyRICH Tips at http://www.individual-health.net